Florida Man
Florida Man’s Merch Truck is a concept for an immersive merchandise truck, designed to complement a fictional haunted house. Created by co-founder Eleni Trapp with story assistance from co-founder Britt McChesney. Sketches created in Procreate.

The Story
As part of his prepper and side-hustle lifestyle, Florida Man has modified an old toy hauler to function as his bug-out vehicle as well as a shop for his goods and supplies. Inside, visitors will find shelves filled with wacky wares proclaiming the existence of aliens and promising to protect them from the inevitable end. Some of Florida Man’s prepper gear and gadgets also lie intermixed throughout the shop.
Hints of the character Hat Man and his alchemy experiments will be noticeable to those who have already escaped the bunker themed haunted house.
Employee Costumes
Employees of Florida Man’s merch truck are equally invested in preparing for the impending alien apocalypse. Each individual might have a combination of various costume props such as walkie talkies with extra long antennas to listen in on outer space, tin foil inspired ball caps and pants to protect against unwanted alien radiation rays, utility belts, work boots, and alien markings on their hands, arms, legs or neck.